
The Baltimore Post-Examiner is owned by the Baltimore Post-Examiner LLC.  We are a Maryland-based company with two websites. We produce all our content in Maryland. The Post-Examiner is a teaching media company where we mentor journalists with volunteers and help unemployed reporters get jobs! It’s the Post-Examiner because we love the play on the word “Post” but we also are hoping to answer that question: What’s next after newspapers? We see a lot of websites come and go – and many simply are not making it for various reasons. We hope to break that cycle.

We are not the typical news website –  nor do we wish to be. We will be offering more than news and blogs, but an opportunity for fiction writers, poets, and musicians to showcase their talent and skills. Much like when the Beatles formed Apple Corps Ltd, they opened the door to all kinds of inspiring talent that never really got a shot. From that came the likes of James Taylor and others. We hope by providing a similar approach that we can shine the light on some tremendous undiscovered talent.

We will dive into some national and international issues as well as state issues on an occasional basis – including some state blogs if it has national importance. Our audience is a national audience – not Baltimore-specific. You know what they say, everything sooner or later becomes local. So we believe if an event is happening outside this great city, we’ll make sure we bring it home whether it’s one of our sons or daughters dying in the war overseas or an outside voice we believe is worth listening to.

And we won’t get our feelings hurt if you don’t like something, or have a suggestion on how we can improve. We’re journalists so fire away. It comes with the territory.

If you want to contribute, drop us a line at BaltimorePostExaminer@gmail.com.  We are the perfect home for displaced journalists who want to keep their clips up to date.

So who are we? Stay tuned. We will be holding events throughout the year where you can meet some of the people behind the madness here. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Thanks for reading,

Baltimore Post-Examiner

Contact us at BaltimorePostExaminer@gmail.com and ask for our Founder Timothy Maier.