My Testimony

My Testimony

Many years have passed since I walked
a narrow aisle
And gave my heart to Jesus with a large
and trusting smile
So thrilled within my heart to know this
Saviour died for me
That my life so frail, so small, now
could endless be.

Many years have passed since then –
the days so quickly flown
His Mercy, Care and Boundless love
within my heart have grown.
Joys and sorrows, peace and pain,
trials and burdens to bear
Memories, so sweet and warm – I’m
glad to have my share.

God leads us HIS children down thru
the years
With many a sorrow, many a tear
But his promise is there – it ever
There is always the joy and victory
is sure.

So we’ll travel on – the years lie
Years of challenge, faith and delight
Christians serving our Savior – our
armour kept bright
Reaping a harvest for the days hurry on
His step on the threshold – it shall not
be long.