The Death of Density

Clickity, click, click

On the simple myth

Clickbait, clickbait

Why wait?


It’s a click or no?

A yes or a know?

Is that so?

What’s the difference really?

Spell check, spell check

Tell me that.


What to

Clickity, click, click?

We don’t want density

But simplicity.

I can click a life.

I just might

Download a woman here,

A man there

A click for a Clit

Or a click for Dick?

What’s the difference really?


One’s inside out, tucked in

Nicely done.

The other hanging out

While keeping it all in

Not a person really but a myth

An artifact that we

Clickity, click, click

To stop the pain.

If I can’t love you,

I will click yet another.

If we don’t agree

Simply delete.

Yes or no

It’s so?


We can find it all in a

Clickity, click, click

Except a smell,

A taste,

A touch,

Or a feel,

Or a feeling.


No, I want to be free

From destiny

Or is it density?

Spell check, spell check,

Which to clickity, click, click?

Malware, was that you?

What’s the difference really?